Aug 14, 2009 16:18
(skip to paragraph 3 of you want to read the actual interesting stuff)
The kids started school this week, I now have a freshman and 2 in elementary school. I feel so old. My son is enjoying an easy schedule this first term. They are a block school so they take 4 classes for 90 mins or so a day. Kind of like college. He has guitar and choir as two of his classes. Wow how hard! He is enjoying guitar and he is going to do wrestling this year too.
My daughter and younger son are doing well. My son has the teacher we had issues with when our daughter had her but I am trying to give her a fair shake. I can't say our daughters problems were the teacher, moving to a new school that year or that she really was that behind.
We did have an issue yesterday. My daughter came home and said a boy she knew had been hiding in the bushes and was shooting pellets at her and her friend she rides home with. When my older son got home from school we had him go to the place with her to find "evidence". It was some plastic pellet thing. She said the gun was clear so my husband was mulling over what to do since it was technically a toy gun and not a bb gun (you still could put an eye out with that, Ralphie. Sorry visions of A Christmas Story). He is more rational where as I was ready to talk to the parents right when my daughter told me. He likes to have his ducks in a row. After I had slept on it I told her she should tell her principal this morning. I told her since it happened by school that meant he had it with him while he was at school and the principal would want to know. (yay me for passing the buck)
Fast forward to after school. I picked her up and she told me she thought he got suspended, wow ok guess they did something about it more than if I had called the parents. Her former teacher gave her a hug while I was there and told her she did the right thing. Ok, odd. Seemed like the teachers knew about what happened and that was surprising to me but ya know rumors spread fast? Oh no, my husband called me later and told me he got a call from the principal. The story goes a little something like this. After our daughter talked to him, he talked to her friend, the boy and the boys classmates. It was discovered the boy did have it at school and even told his friends he was going to go to the park to shoot 'stuff'. After that he said involved the school board, the vice-principal and 3-5 teachers and called the boys parents in to a meeting where as he put it 'the boy will not be coming back to her school indefinitely'. My husband and I assume that means he was expelled but he chose his words carefully so who knows what that means. My husband decided to ask if our daughter was an actual target which he replied the boy said she wasn't but they discovered he wasn't telling the truth, again words chosen very carefully. So that was kind of scary. My daughter said yesterday she didn't have any problem with this boy. When my husband told me this I asked her again and found out that her other friend and her would tease this boy last year and he would tease them. Not in the playful way but the name calling one. Ok paranoid mom has visions of gunmen coming to school to shoot my daughter for the years of teasing at her hands.
So what did she take from this, that she shouldn't tease people (not because its not nice but because someone could want to hurt you for it). *sigh* She also said she didn't tell me yesterday because she though I would say she deserved to be shot at for teasing him, yeah I am the mom of the year my kids think so highly of me. SO I am a little scared because the sibling has a younger brother in my son's grade, not the same class thank heavens, confused and hurt that my daughter would have this happen to her and that she would think I wouldn't care if someone acted with violence against her.
Am I missing something somewhere...feel free to give input or criticize because for the life of me I can't decide what I could have done differently.