The Busiest May on Record

May 22, 2010 19:01

There has been so much to do this May, I've been slacking on my LJ. I'll start with the first activity of the month: My youngest brother wedding! YAY! So my brother Andy gets married on May 15th in beautiful Yosemite. The weather was perfect, the setting perfect, the bride and groom were perfect. It couldn't have been a better experience. Of course LJ doesn't put the picture in the right place, but you can see the lovely couple above.

Sadly we couldn't stay more than two days in Yosemite, but we plan a trip back, is finals time and that means finals for the VERY LAST time!  Today, Saturday May 22 was graduation!  

Yup, that's me...sunglasses and all with my special yellow stole that says PSI CHI which is an honors society for psychology. And my lovely medallion which is obscured by my lei but that signifies graduating cum laude, also an honor.  Over all it has been a pretty good May if I do say so myself.  I'm going to spend the summer looking at graduate programs.  Maybe I will be able to say "It's Dr. Buck...actually." soon enough!

And now on to Sunday!!  I'm putting myself on a self imposed internet black out starting at 4 P.M. PDT.  LALALALALA!  I'm so ready for the LOST Series Finale, I could just explode!  
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