(no subject)

Dec 19, 2006 06:34

Concert numba 2 went great thanks to those of you who came. The after glow. I got asked out on a date with Brian, His mom Marie I sing with.. and we were in a church so, it's weird needless to say.
So the big date is tomorrow night, he is taking me to Applebees and then we are coming to my house so he can formaly meet my parents even though my family and his family all know eachother, then off to bowling and ice cream. Only thing is I know of two other boys that I will be able to see much more often that like me a lot. BUT my grandma made her decision and I guess I have to stick with it if she approves!
Saturaday concert 5pm.
Sunday Choir St. Pats noon
Choir St. Pats 8pm
Monday Choir St. Pats noon

one of those time I have a solo, yet to be detirmined, so feel free to avoid those times at all costs, or make fun of me, whichever. Just make sure you all come and say hi afterwards!

Christmas will be great this year, I was able to get everyne something they wanted, which I love! Decorating people's houses has been my thing but now that, that is all done...

Finals were done for me on the 17th and I don't have class till the 15th? so There is a month I have to fill up. WHICH I know will be dedicated to my audition material, and practicing NCA.

I have been talking to curt since 9 pm last night so almost 9 hours now... wow. still not tired..
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