Hi :)
*rolls 1st joint of the day*
Okay children.
Today I'm going to tell you all about my theory behind how we and everything around our small existance within this universe (that too) is all made up of sound/music (EVERYTHING) (its just a personal theory)
plus its nice to think about when your getting/already stoned.
We shall start todays lesson based around facts that are already known.
Sine Waves;
The Horizontal bar is TIME,
The Vertical bar is the Frequency Range
Sine waves are made up of 4 different Frequencies
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused
These are the basis to every sound we hear within music.
Taking this to the next level and introducing Albert Einsteins String Theory. (basic)
On a very basic level a string is made up of Sine Waves, and on a basic level still
CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE(this is basically looking down a string, a disection if you will)
The strings in string theory are floating around in spacetime, yet they have tension (just like when a string on a guitar is plucked). The string tension in string theory is denoted by the quantity 1/(2 p a'), where a' is pronounced "alpha prime" and is equal to the square of the string length scale.
If string theory is to be a theory of quantum gravity, then the average size of a string should be somewhere near the size of quantum gravity, called the Planck length, which is about 10-33 centimeters, or about a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a cm. Strings (in otherwords) are way too tiny to be seen, even under the most powerful of microscopes.
In theory we are made up of these, and so is everything around you.
So what have we learnt? that everything is made up of strings, strings are made up of sine waves, sine waves are made up of Frequencies and frequencies are the foundations to Music.
A strange idea you might say but its a good mind opener for when your smoking weed or on any other mind expansive drug.
Now for my question...
Albert Einstein told us how big a string was, But how long is it?
I suppose when this is to be taken into account we would have to be able to look at something in 5D
1D (matter stands still)
2D (matter moves forwards and backwards)
3D (matter moves forwards, backwards, to the left and to the right)
4D (matter moves forwards, backwards, side to side, up and down)
5D (matter ignores all previous statements and moves within the parameters of time, *whispers* it can go wherever the feck it wants)
Moving onwards *grins*
Now consider this...(your choice).
Taking into to hand that everything is made up of the idea behind String theory, and that they are made up of sine waves...
How do we get the effects from drugs?
They induce the brain to release certain chemicals that make us feel in a certain way, this happens with everything.
For instance (you might take pills(ecstacy)), the 'neurotransmitters' in your brain that intake the seratonin (the stuff that makes you feel yummy), after a couple of hours of intense seratonin, they shrink back into themselves, making it harder for the effects to last.
Nicotine when taken into you body stimulates your brain(wakes it up a very slight amount), this is partly because nicotine tells your brain to release another chemical which makes the neurotransmitters work more effectivly(or when shrunk, grow again).
So if you ever feel slightly down have a cig and you'll feel better(for a short while).
But yeah sorry(its all related) frequencies can be used to tell your brain to release certain chemicals, the ones we know are used;
to help you relax (a chemical reaction in the brain)
to help you sleep (a chemical reaction in the brain)
to induce sleep (a chemical reaction in the brain)
to make you more alert (a chemical reaction in the brain)
Suppose we were to take this to another level?!?
say if we were to take all the thoughts behind enducing feelings(creating chemicals), and then we were to figure out how to enduce the feelings of ecstacy, l.s.d., weed etc. using only frequencies(sound). It'd certainly make the feeling pure(thered be no other shit in it) and the person playing the frequency could make the sine waves a different size and strength causing the feelings you recieve, to be stronger or weaker.
*grins* Lets just see what the future brings:)
***These are all just my thoughts and the way I have assimilated the information I now present to you, i know that it is not 100% accurate, the reason behind telling you is to open your own ideas/thoughts/feelings towards how everything exists(as i said earlier, its a nice thing to discuss when your smoking weed)***