(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 19:52

:: Your Name- Steph

:: Nicknames- Stephy, Goostave, CDF, Lady S, Cupcake etc

:: Birthday- April 18th

:: Place you reside in- W town yo

:: Color of Hair- Brown

:: Eye Color- Hazel

:: Education- Freshmen bitch

:: School- Lakes

:: Job- Yeah right.

:: Do you have a girl/boyfriend- Haha .. No

Right now…

::Where are you- Home

::What is your outfit- Devils sweat pants and Lakes tshirt

::What do you hear- Radio, IMs

::What do you smell- Air

::What do you see- Umm.. The computer

::Are you talking to anyone- Yeah

::If so, who- A lot of people

Your Favorites…

:: Color- Pink, Yellow and Orange

:: Movie- A lot.

:: Actor- Tom Whelling SO HOTT

:: Actress- Idk

:: Band/ Singer- DASHBOARD !

:: Book- None

:: Class- Lunch lol

:: Place to Vacation- Anywhere thats hott

:: Thing to do- Be with friends, basketball, softball, eat, dance

:: TV show- Laguna Beach

:: Food- Chinese

:: Drink- Water haha

Your Friends…

:: Nicest- Miranda, Sara

:: Loudest- Allison easily

:: Funniest- Natalie, Meg, Alexys, Sara, Carly and Hannah

:: One that would stand up for you no matter what- Meg

:: Meanest- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

:: Listener- Meg, Natalie and Sara

:: Sweetest- Miranda or Ally

:: Favorite one to be with- My bests

:: Athletic- Allay

:: Craziest- Hannah, Natalie, Allison

:: Smartest- Mary, Taryn

:: Prettiest- Everyone is beautiful :)

:: Hottest- Ethan ;)

::Best guy friend- Probably Connor or Ethan

:: Best Memories with- Natalie and Allison

:: Most fun to be around- Meg, Rach, Sara, Hannah, Natalie, Allison, Alexys, Carly, Liz, Mj, Ally ETC

Have you ever…

:: Made a funny movie with your friends- Haha yeah

:: Ate a whole pizza in a meal- Nope

:: Snuck into the movies- Yep

:: Kissed someone you didn’t know- No

:: Hung out with someone you couldn’t stand- Yeah

:: Read a novel in a day- Haha no way

:: Played an instrument- I have no musical talent.

:: Cheated before- In school

:: Had Sex- No

:: Skinny dipped- Yep

:: Talked in a fake accent- Tried to .. lol

:: Kissed your Best friend- No

:: Played with Barbie’s- Of course, Barbie's my girl

:: Swamin the Ocean- Yeah

:: Been to Disney World- Yes

What do Other’s think of you… (This section should be filled out by your friends! So copy and paste this and put this in the comment box. Then do the survey and put this in your journal)

:: Are we friends-

:: How long have you known me-

:: What makes me smile-

:: Do you think I’ll get married-

:: If so with who-

:: Who do I remind you of-

:: If there was a movie named after my life what would it be-

:: Do you think…
:: pretty?-

:: Nice?-

:: Sweet?-

:: Mean?-

:: Smart?-

:: Honest?-

:: What is something that you have always wanted to say to me but you haven’t -
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