Oct 11, 2013 11:45
As I save some of the old entries onto my computer and delete them from LJ, I am reminded again of how bad my memory is. I have no recollection of some of these things, or most of these things, that happened in 2005. So, I feel a need to write down as much as I can because who knows how much longer I will remember it. But I just don't have time to write down everything the way I want to. So here is a very quick summary of what I did last weekend...
Thursday was the Mac alumni event and this year it was at Marlow's Tavern in Northlake. It was on the rooftop patio - very nice. Wish I had gotten there on time - with traffic I was about 30 minutes late. Several of the same people from last year were there as well as a few new ones. But still no one from my class or that I actually knew while at Mac. The only person who comes close is Ben, who was a senior when I was a freshman. So we were there at the same time but never met. I gave my email address to one of the younger alumnae, Liz, who said she wanted to organize another event with me so that there is more than just one event a year. Haven't heard from her though.
Saturday we took Lilly and Izzie to Howl-o-Weenie and although we missed the costume contests, we made it in time for the wiener races. Sunday was the Chattapoochee Pet Fest at Rogers Bridge Park. We first took Leia and Artoo and then came back with Obi. We bought more pottery from David (can't remember his last name) at a silent auction, the proceeds of which went to the Duluth Historical Society. We'd previously bought some of his pottery at a silent auction at Chocolate Perks - that time the proceeds went to Clover Run Rescue. So we spent money both at Howl-o-Weenie (buying food) and at the Pet Fest but it did go to good causes. We need to stop spending money though. I'm just no good at not spending, though, lol.
Saturday night Victor and I played trivia at Dagwood's alone. Alayna and William were at Siege, JP was getting ready for his parents' visit, and Shannon was at a beer festival. We got 5th. Sunday night was a vegetarian/vegan meet up at Blue Grotto in Sandy Springs. We'd been once before several years ago with Alayna but this time they had a special vegan menu. It was very good.
I'm disappointed that this is a poorly written and boring entry but I'm tired and I have a headache and no time. There's more I want to write about too...