So I'm almost entirely done with the semester... finally. I had two incredibly difficult and mind-numbing exams today, and all I have to do is hand in my two remaining orgo labs tomorrow, and I will be finished. But that's never really the end, y'know? Like that BioChem exam? That sucker physically hurt me. My brain was running on ketone bodies by the end, if you know what I mean. Orgo wasn't as hard, but it was still hard. And I'll be damned if I could've spent more time studying for those things.
Anyway, so I'm not actually done, and I'm friggin' tired, but I had to link to this article, b/c it's the bomb diggity, and let y'all know I'm still kickin'.
Why searching is so important in new OS's. Cheers,
- The Management
PS - So excited for the next week -
TMT, CL, possibly GB, Haley, and other gooey musical goodness is headed my way, and I can't wait!