Is there a no-mascara filter on Korean magazines?
It's late, and I have to get up stupidly early tomorrow. I love Hans Zimmer to pieces, and I should probably get to write fic because annoying writer's block is annoying.
Fic and Hans Zimmer being unrelated.
...Give me problems, give me work. Sherlock Holmes needs to be seen again. Possibly more than one 'again'.
B. Woodside, MD published a study exploring eating disorders, I believe restricted to the United States. Info: most men suffering from anorexia in the US are gay. Also, 1/8th of American population with eating disorders are men (obesity not included).
I. I don't know. I have a growing fascination for the medical world. Bioethics in particular, ftm. Also, med school should have some sort of eco course somewhere. As it stands, there's no way of not getting ripped off trying to set up a business with absolutely no notion of basic marketing, for those going that road. Eco is daijin.
Watched episode 1 of Taec's scandal, and the girl annoys me so much. :D She's like, "oh, I'm here. Mildly having fun. Hi." I mean. This is variety. Be interesting, woman. Idk. Maybe it's the first episode nervousness.
Oh, Jinwoon singing 2n1. Gods of the Shuffle, what great taste you have.
Win-win looks like it will be epic :D but 2PM need to stop with the AM covers. It's cute, but painful. ♥
It's really late.
Which is probably why this made me giggle longer than strictly necessary.
Feu-mon-crush has decided to be clingy and all aegyooooo-like. (Except he draws disreputable things on the communication!paper and then explains them. Loudly. The point of the paper is that ethics-san doesn't have to hear "/fake whisper, BUT YOU CAN'T STRETCH IT THAT MUCH, EW, IT'S DISGUSTING.")
I couldn't actually go see him after class to poke him about my disserte. Pas suivre assez obviously pendant deux heures, et la ramener pour lui faire perdre son temps à expliquer à des défectueux des neurones, ça la fout mal. Enfin.
I approve of so many k!photoshoots these days, I can't decide which to spam. D: Srs bsns is srs.
Family is being impossible. Assez insupportables pour que je me dise que s'ils n'étaient pas, justement, de la famille, je ne pourrais vraiment pas me les voir.
...ok, c'est pas tout à fait ça. Mais quand même, il y a des choses qu'on pourrait éviter de raconter. Jouer sur la culpabilité, ça va. J'ai rien à voir avec vos histoires, me trainez pas au milieu, bordel.
Pourtant, j'ai envie de savoir, même si ça ne sert à rien de demander. Je pense qu'ils mentiraient, de toutes façons.
Cette année n'a absolument rien à voir avec ce que je m'imaginais.
CHANSUNG IS PRECIOUS. Also enough of the rambling, methinks. I can't even remember what I wrote. XD
I'm not used to shortened sleep time anymore D8
I want to read things about pandemics and collective conciousness et la gestion des masses.