it may be stupid but it's true

Nov 27, 2008 19:37

hey bandwagon. things i'm thankful for - 1,2,3, go!
  • my family - and by this i mean my own and dustin's as well. i can't tell you how many times i've anticipated coming home to be greeted by my mom's hugs, dad's asking me to go on drives, ethan's kisses, jenna's ability to make me laugh, adrienne's ability to keep it real, the way my puppies kiss my face to wake me up, the way dustin's family considers me their family. i just love it. i am most thankful that we all have such wonderful relationships with one another. i'm thankful my family loves dustin just as much as i do, that they ask him what he'd like for christmas under OUR tree, and just overall considering him. i'm thankful i can be a big sister, a role model, a hardworker, and a good daughter. i'm thankful that my parents pay my way through school, for my cell phone bill, for my car (that i drive 4 months out of the year) and for just having faith in me.
  • my friends - i have the best ever. when i need a hug, a heart-to-heart, or a drink, i've got friends all over pennsylvania that i can count on. college may have physicaly seperated us, and distance has been a big bitch, but in the end, what we have is so much stronger and can never be seperated. i'm glad i weeded out those that didn't matter or care. i'm thankful those that dealt with my mood swings stuck around and dealt with more because they knew i was a good friend deep down.
  • music - haha yes i am thankful for music. it got me through so much. this is so fucking cliche i don't even want to elaborate. but for the sake of me not looking like a tool, i'll just say that it brought me a lot closer with some people, especially in high school. a whole part of my high school life was spending weekends in fire halls or crammed coffee shops. wild adventures harvested from bands/ following them. and i'm thankful that someone out there, whether it was some joe shmo who got hired to write the songs, knows what i've gone through on some very small level enough that i can relate.
  • my job -  i'm thankful for my job at wawa, as well as my job at wnte. wawa.... well let me start on that. i'm thankful they give me the opportunity to come home and work whenever i feel like it. they're so flexible. and at wnte.. well if i weren't involved with the station i don't know what i'd do with my life.
  • my shitty cell phone - thank you phone. for as many times as i drop you, you're the most reliable product i own. even if you are terribley outdated and nearly everyone i know has a nicer phone, i have a strong bond with you phone. thanks :p
  • my life - i love it. thank you so much for being apart of it in one way or another.

more later, turkey round 2 =]
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