Jan 04, 2006 20:55

this is my first entry ever in the year 2000 and 6. but tonight i need to bitch about my parents. not only is my mom a blonde dumbass.... but shes a bitch too. i made this discovery by the time i turned 3. but now here i am 16, (in the year 2006) complaining about how OLD she is acting. GOOD GOD! the woman is maybe a day or two over 52- 53? but i dont think they should already be starting the memory loss (the inability to find her cell fone and purse which leads to putting the blame on me for taking these ugly items). I DONT WANT YOUR FRICKIN UGLY FISH PURSE MOM SO GIVE IT UP THAT I WANA USE IT! ITS A PIECE OF SHIT! nor shud she be unaware of her surroundings (calling my cell fone from home wen im laying right on my bed!) IM ONE ROOM AWAY YOU NO-GOOD DUMBASS BITCH! SHIT! and another thing.... she needs to LAY OFF wen im going to the bathroom. SHE NEEDS TO WAIT HER TURN! i have a news flash for ya mom... THE WORLD DOESNT REVOLVE AROUND U SO GET THE FUCK OVER URSELF YA BITCH! I HAVE BOUL-PROBLEMS TOO, I MEAN U SHOULD KNOW THIS BY NOW IM 16 AND UR ONLY MY FUCKIN MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i havent exactly told u about my dad but i think ill reserve a seperate entry for him later.

u can leave me a fuckin comment but dont make it long otherwise ill delete it. IM PISSED!
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