Weird dreams

Apr 18, 2003 23:35

Welp, I've seen quite a few dream entries from my friends here and wanted to take the time to put up one that I had last night. Me having dreams isn't unusual. Me having a dream that I actually remember more than 5 mins after waking up is unusual. Me having a dream that I still remember almost a day after has only happened 3-4 times in my life and they still haunt me. That being said, here's the one I had last night...

Me and a group of faceless people were driving up a local road here, KY44E. We drove up this road for quite a long time, through horrendous rain and wind, into Ohio. We eventually came to our stopping point on the banks of Lake Eerie.

(I'd like to take a moment and show how weird this part was to me because 1.) I didn't know until just 5 mins ago that this road DOES actually go into Ohio eventually. I've just moved here and it was just a local road as far as I knew before research. 2.) I also didn't know, and make fun if you like, that Ohio actually does border one of the Great Lakes. Geography isn't one of my strong points. =P)

Now as I said before, all of the people that I was with (and I get the impression we were on a bus or some such) I didn't know. I also got the impression that these weren't good people to be with. Thieves, killers, bikers, rapists, etc. The general feel from them was malevolent and IDOCH (Insert Deity of Choice Here) knows why I was with them. Everyone in the group had their own ratty log cabin to sleep in by the lake and everyone retired for the night. When I woke up the next morning the group found out that one of our number was murdered in the night. He was found by the banks of the lake with his throat, not cut, torn out. One of the things that made me think that this group was a seedy bunch was that no one really seemed to take this amiss. The body was dumped in the lake and that was that.

The next night I stayed awake, watching out my window, and caught some strange movement coming from a barn (of all things) that was in the same campground as our wood cabins. Who knows why there was a barn there, but it was scary as shit to me. Knocking around outside the barn was another male member of the "group." He was immediately snatched up by what I also immediately knew as a vampire. This wasn't one of those androgynous, Anne Rice vampires that walks around and bemoans their cursed immortality either. This was one of the hideous, From Dusk Til Dawn vampires that rips your head off and lathers itself in your arterial spray. The vampire proceeded to mutilate this guy into pieces while feasting. I was utterly terrified when I was spotted peeking out of the window.

(Another break in. I'm not really a religious type of person. I was raised Catholic but don't really believe in the Christian idea of "God" anymore.)

I rushed to the nightstand by my bed in this cabin and there was, how cliche', a Bible. As I said I'm not very religious, but there's a good quote I heard once, "There are no atheists in foxholes" and I was praying like a mad son of a bitch, to a God I don't even believe in in my waking life, for salvation. I was blessing my Diet Mt. Dew bottle just like I've seen my old priest do the Communion, making crosses out of pencils, etc and all the while holding that Bible like a lifeline. I backed into the corner, opposite the door and windows, with my meager protections and waited, terrified.

At this point I woke up safe in my bed with my heart beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I very literally was unable to move for a minute or two I was so terrified. Eventually my breathing slowed, my heartbeat returned to normal, and my body relaxed. The only good part about nightmares like that is the wonderful sense of calm and safety that comes when you realize it was all a dream. This one scared the shit out of me, I remember it clearly even 12 hours later, so I thought I'd post it. After that I just went back to sleep and probably had my normal porno-dream-montage. Who knows =).
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