I've been a lucky toy hunter. Pictures:
I didn't get them standing together, derp. Still, click into the cut for reviews of Cleo and also PS THE COOLEST TOY OH MY GOD
This is my favorite Cleo. Love the teal in her hair.
This packaging is so durn cute.
A photo of the hydration chamber mid-assembly. It's kind of a lot of assembly.
A story: I read about MH stuff, obviously, but I have this way of missing huge details. While I was checking out, the cashier said, "This requires 3 AA batteries, do you need any?"
And I was like, "IT LIGHTS UP!?"
Meanwhile, I thought there was a gel that held the bubbles, but no, you gotta fill the front part with water.
No bubbles ...
Worth noting: this thing is kinda loud. Like, "Wow, why did they put a Ford transmission in my doll toy?" loud.
Here's Lagoona demonstrating how she stays dry in the chamber. It just has water in the U shaped front part.
Here's Lagoona being awesome. Because she is. I love this doll, she's purdyful.
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