STOP, please give me the links of three people you have voted on! If there are less than three vote on as many as you can. If there are none, ignore this request. I voted on all of the ones listed in the newest mod notice.
Which type of character would you like to be stamped as? CLASSIC, GX, EITHER OR BOTH: Both would be great!
Would you mind being stamped as a character of the opposite sex? Nope, not at all. In a matter of fact, I encourage it, although it's not mandatory...
Is there any character that if rated as you will be seriously offended? Please don't make a list here... Hopefully not...
Tell us about your personal style: Okay, so I wear clothes that are comfortable. I prefer darker colors, mostly blue and black, although I wear lighter ones as well. I don't wear skirts, frills, tight shirts/pants, dresses (unless I'm forced), or anything pink. I just have something against that color... I wear jeans, t-shirts, turtlenecks, sweatpants, slip-on black shoes, and coats/jackets. I often wear my black trenchcoat, but recently I've been wearing my big red coat since it's been so freakin' cold. But you'll NEVER see me without some sort of coat/jacket. NEVER. Even if I'm carrying it around because it's warm...
Okay, may now post as many photos of yourself as you wish. Please be sure you have at least one headshot and one full body shot. Cosplay is allowed if, and only if, you aren't wearing a wig, you aren't wearing mass quantities of bizzare makeup, and they aren't Yu-Gi-Oh! related. Try to get them as clear as possible. Please promote this community and tell us where. I'll post it in my LJ. 8X