I call upon the power of... Mirror Force!! *punches air*

Nov 19, 2006 14:35

STOP, please give me the links of three people you have voted on!  If there are less than three vote on as many as you can.  If there are none, ignore this request.

Which type of character would you like to be stamped as? CLASSIC, GX, EITHER OR BOTH: Both pease. x33

Would you mind being stamped as a character of the opposite sex?  
Nah, I'm fine with it.

Is there any character that if rated as you will be seriously offended?  Please don't make a list here...
Well, as much as I dislike some characters, I wouldn't be seriously offended by anything. Better honest than not, right? ...right!? Well, you can actually stamp me as the Celtic Guardian for all I care. Sides, Celty pwns...

Tell us about your personal style:
Random, for the most part, unless I'm in my flippin school uniform. x.x An example of my dressing style is how I'm dressed right now. I've got a blood-red long sleeved shirt under a navy blue T-shirt and to top it all off, I'm wearing my light blue & white plaid pj pants. n.n If not something like that, I'll just go casual with a T-shirt of sorts and my jeans.

Okay, then...you may now post as many photos of yourself as you wish.  Please be sure you have at least one headshot and one full body shot.  Cosplay is allowed if, and only if, you aren't wearing a wig, you aren't wearing mass quantities of bizzare makeup, and they aren't Yu-Gi-Oh! related.  Try to get them as clear as possible.
I'm teh one in the center. That was taken prolly two years ago, but it's the only headshot I have! ;-;

Before I got the evil things known as braces.

Homecoming this year. (There's nothing wrong with my eye! It was the stupid de-red eye thingy on that one program that I used!)

Video my sis took...

You have to turn your head sideways for that one. <<;; Gomen, but it's the only good full-length one I have. *ish on the far right*

Please promote this community and tell us where.

Dx Gomen, haven't done anything yet.

asuka tenjouin, gx stamped!!!, mana, classic stamped!!!

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