Math, field trips, and Chili's

May 16, 2005 19:54

Because I'm *missing* math,

Field trip today = no school

No school = 3 hours on a bus + 3 hours walking + 3 hours on a bus


Field trip today = 3 hours on a bus + 3 hours walking + 3 hours on a bus

But the walking part of the field trip was cool. Saw a ton of stuff, including a baby alligator hunting (and catching and eating!) a fish. Got mauled by deer flies, one bit me on my forehead =( But it was still awesome. Except, of course, the 6 hours on the bus. And the fact that I'm sick. Moses, we were all trying to watch this limpkin, and of course, I sneeze and scare it away.

Ms. Linsin was telling me about the spirit animal, which is an animal that you feel a special connection to, one that keeps hanging around you, and one that lets you look directly into its eyes. Hers is an owl, and her fiance's is a red shouldered hawk. I don't know what mine is. I guess so far it would be the wood stork, considering I've spent a good portion of the afternoons in the Daniel's Way parking lot looking at them (and them looking at me), and I saw like 4 of them today. I don't know. Do you guys think you have a spirit animal?

Tomorrow's gonna rock. Jazz band, Wind Ensemble, calculus (nothing), free period. Niiiice. We all seriously NEED to get together. I vote for Chili's and a movie.
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