May 20, 2006 16:34
Ok, so tomarrow (Sunday) morning at approximately 11am there will be a picnic. There will be food, i'm not quite sure what yet, but please feel free to bring food with you too so that there will be more to go around. If anyone doesn't know how to get to the park just let me know, and I will tell you. Oh, and one kinda weird thing, if we have a lot of people then we can just have a picnic, but if there aren't too many we can also go in the pool, if anyone wants to. so bring a bathing suit if you want to just in case. If lots of people are gonna want to swim then let me know soon so i can call the pool and get a ramada and we can cancel the picnic idea. It's all just whatever you guys want.
Sorry if that was rambling and somewhat confusing. Anyway, If anyone wants to come early to my house to help me prepare come on over! And again everyone is invited.