(no subject)

Feb 28, 2005 20:58

*********YOU, YOU, YOU**********

What is your name? shanabana

1. Nicknames? shann shanns shannsarific shy kid wal russ pogo pogo.
2. B~day? january 29
3. Age? 15
4. Gender: pretty sure im a girl...
5. Where do you live?: Phoenix Arizona gay shit
6. What school do you attend? trevor g browne
7. Siblings and their ages? chris 23 mike 20 amanda 19 little chris 14
8. Pets? two dogs rocco and precious
9. Zodiac sign? aquarius
10. Righty or lefty? Righty tighty

**********YOUR LOOKS**********

11. Hair color: blonde redish orangeish pinkish
12. Eye color: blue baybay
13. Height:5'3" IM SHORT! NICK TOWERS ME!
14. Do u wear contacts or glasses? no i was supposed to get green contacts though
15. Do you have any piercings? my ears
16. If so, what and where? my ears cartlidge 3 times and my lobes which will be done a couple more times
17. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? no im into everything
18. How are you today? went from crappy to good back to crappy so CRAPPY
19. What shirt are u wearing right now? myyyyyy sid dickies a transplants shirt some red star socks some underroos and my rancid hoodie with some slippers
20. What does your hair look like at the moment? straight as shit
21. What song are u listenin to right now? Never Again - Nickelback
22. What was the last thing u ate? a chicken wrap from sonic mmmmmmmmmmm not those things arent that good
23. Last person u talked to on the phone? nick (right now)
24. Last dream you can remember? my mind to know and yours not to find out... nah i dont remember
25. Who are you talking to now? nick on the phone
26. What time is it? 9:07

**********MORE ABOUT YOU!**********
27. If you were a crayon, what color would u be? red
28. Have you ever almost died? i dont know
29. Do u like the person who sent u this? its cory he has a grudge against me! haha i stole the last cherry
30. How do u eat an Oreo? uhhhhhhhhh by putting them in my mouth
31. What makes u happy? nick my family food
32. What's the next cd you're planning to buy? i dont like buying cds buuuuuuuuuut lars fredericksen and the bastards orrrrrrrr some social d
33. Whats the best advice ever given to u? psh bitches get stitches
34. Have you ever won any special award? no dont i wish
35. What are your future goals: who knows
36. Do you like to dance? my pogo dance yes any other no
37. Worst sickness u have ever had? what you gave me... lol uhhhhhhh i dont know?
38. Whats the stupidest thing u have ever done? uhhhhhhhhhhh i dont know
39. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? i dont know i kinda like being me
40. Where do u shop? the internet biatch my shit isnt in stores
41. How many kids do u want to have? 2.... surprise me
42. Son's names? damien
43. Daughter's names? a girls name... haha apple gwenyth paltrow was high
44. Do u do drugs? No
45. Do u drink? not really
46. What kinda shampoo and conditioner do u use? finesse oh yes
47. What are you most scared of? sharks
48. How many t.v's do u have in your house? 10 gagillion one in every room uhhhhhhh like 6? i think
49. Do you have a t.v. in your room? yes
50. Do you have a phone in your room? uhhhh a cell phone but thats always in my ass pocket so yeah
51. So u sleep with a stuffed animal? nope just my brothers pillow
52. Have you ever broken/fractured a bone? nope
53. Who do u tell your dreams to? no one
54. Who is the loudest friend u have? i dont know
55. Who is the quietest friend you have? i dont know
56. IS CHEERLEADING A SPORT? nope not to me

******YOU AND LOVE**********

57. Do u believe in love? yes i do
58. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Yes
59. Do u have crush on any one? oh yeah baby
60. Who is your crush? nick thompson and angel velos
61. Will you send this to your crush? no i dont have their email addresses haha
62. Do u believe in luv at first sight? uhhhhh i dont know
63. Where do u want to go on your honeymoon? psh dont know im not married yet
64. What song do u want played at your wedding? ps i dont know im not at my wedding yet
65. What is the first thing u notice about the oppisite sex? clothes
66. Are u too shy to ask someone out? haha no
67. What's worse having your tonsils or appendix removed? well you dont need either of them so it doesnt matter

*ON GUYS FOR GURLS TO FILL OUT (for gurls only)*

68. Boxers or briefs: either one will do as long as the member is covered
69. Curly or straight hair: curly nick cuuuuuuuuuuuuute
70. tall or short: taller than me
71. strong arms or 6 packs: doesnt matter
73. Hat or no hat: no hat
73 and 1/2. anyone know what happened to 72? no i do not know what happened to 72 maybe he got together with 73 and a quarter?
74. Ears peirced or not: doesnt matter stretched is hot but stereotype
75. Tan or no tan: pale
76. Dimples or not: doesnt matter
77. Stubble or neatly shaven: doesnt matter
78. Rugged or sporty: rugged
79. Studly or cutie?: doesnt matter
80. Accent or not?: depends
81. Glasses: doesnt matter
82. Smart or dumb? smartish
83. What sport should he play: psh fuck sports

*ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT (for guys only)* (this is a novel idea. i've never seen this before.)

84. Sandals or thongs?
85. Painted nails or not?
86. Regular or sports bra:
87. Bra straps showing or not?
88. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy?
89. Dark or blonde hair:
90. Long or short hair :
91. Curly or straight hair:
92. Dark, light, or crazy kool eyes:
93. Long or short nails:
94. Good or bad gurl:
95. Hair up or down:
96. Jewelery or none:
97. Tall or short:
98. Accent or no accent:
99. Pants or dress:
100. Tan or fair:
101. Glasses:
102. Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick?
103. Freckles or none?
104. Shy or outgoing?
105. Funny or always cool:
106. Talkitive or shy:

**********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT**********

107. Lights on/off: off
108. Sun or rain? sun
109. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): burger king
110. Do u like scary movies or humerous movies better? scary movies dont scare me
111. On the phone or in person? In person
112. Paper or plastic: doesnt matter
113. sausage, pepperoni, or cheese?cheese
114. summer or winter: Summer
115. Hugs or kisses: Both at the same time!
116. chocolate or white milk: vanilla soy
117. root beer or dr. pepper: Dr.Pepper
118. on tape or DVD: dvd
119. Cats or dogs: dogs
120. vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla.
122. day or night? night
123. cake or pie? cake :)
124. diamond or pearls? diamonds
125. sunset or sunrise: sunset... then night looking at the stars

**********YOUR FAVES*******

126. color: yellow bright pink, plum, blood red, black
127. food: cake
128. Fast food: sonic and panda
129. candy: sour punch and caramel apple pops
130. Beverage: hmm vanilla cherry dr pepper
131. Ice cream flavor: uhhhhhhhhh oh mint chocolate chip
132. sport: none
133. animals: dogs
134. number:21 69 17
135. radio station: 97.9 103.9
136. Band: transplants rancid op iv the used the unseen
137. Fav actor or actress: dont know
138. Favorite day of the week: saturday Friday
139. Favorite month: i dont know
140. TV show: Niptuck csi
141. Store: angryyoungandpoor.com and machetemfg.com
142. Scent: candies nick smells good :)

~~~~~~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~~~~ (how much longer??)

143.Loved someone so much it makes u cry?yes
144 Drank? yes
145 Broke the law?probably
146. Ran from the cops? no
147. Tried to kill urself? no
148. Been in love?yes
149. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? haha yes
150. do u enjoy filling this out? sure its kinda hard when your on the phone though
151. How many ppl are you sending this to?whoever reads this shit
152. Do you want your friends to write back? sure
153. Who is least likely to respond: psh i dont know
154. What time did you finish this? sadly 9:45
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