Happy Holidays, Glass_Icarus!

Jan 01, 2009 20:38

Title: At the End
Recipient: glass_icarus
Rating: PG
Notes: Er, sorry about the dribbley pile of angst that this turned out to be... It wasn't my intention from the beginning, but I hope you like it!

They'd both agreed that it would be best not to see each other again. Their superiors had contacted them both independantly, giving the same order; "Sever all contact." Angel and demon had discussed it calmly, over wine. It would be for the best. They knew that this partnership (friendship) couldn't last. There was no surprise there.

After Aziraphale left, Crowley kept drinking. He didn't know how many bottles of wine he went through, alone in his stark, clean apartment.

It wasn't until hours later, in the middle of the night, thoroughly drunk, that he allowed himself to despair.

Sometimes after they severed all ties, Aziraphale would go to St. James park and feed the ducks. He would wonder where Crowley was, what he was doing, if he was safe, and hope that maybe someday he would run into the demon there by chance.


Happy Holidays, glass_icarus, from your Secret Writer/Artist!

crowley, gen, rating:pg, 2008 exchange, aziraphale, illustrated fic, aziraphale and crowley, art

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