Title: J is for Jealousy, That Green-Eyed Monster
lillypuffCharacters From: Good Omens
Pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: PG-13
Written For:
andremeese @
go_exchangeWarnings: m/m, mild language, vicious house plants
Summary: In which Aziraphale helps a mortal, Crowley is jealous, and a fern tries to start a revolution.
Disclaimer: The angel and the demon, and the
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1) Your Aziraphale is utterly perfect. He's all sorts of happy and joyous and everything that Christmas should be, and the bit about the biscuits? Yes, loving that, yes. <3
2) Crowley's houseplants have the most appropriate personalities! I really enjoyed the line about the African violets.
3) DEATH! Lovely cameo there!
4) “I did no such thing,” Aziraphale insisted, despite the blush that crept onto his cheeks. After a moment, the angel sighed. “All right, fine. You caught me. But I’m an angel, Crowley. I’m supposed to inspire.”
It may be a little unfair that Aziraphale makes this list twice, but this really did make me smile. :)
5) The ending! That's pretty much the best kiss ever written, IMHO. It's such a sensory experience as you've described it, and it's so vivid and lovely and comfortable-- it fits just right!
and also,
5.1) You do know that you've set an excellent tone for this new year, right, Secret Author? Thank you SO MUCH!
And I really do enjoy writing about kisses, so I'm glad that part was good for you XD (And what's a Christmas fic without Death in a Santa Hat? ^^)
Thank you so much for the wonderful prompts (really, jealous!Crowley and beaming!Aziraphale are so much fun to write!) and, of course, the lovely comments! I had a lot of fun writing this fic for you, and I'm thrilled you liked it so much! =)
This was wonderful! I enjoyed it, though admittedly I was vaguely jealous of David as well, on Crowley's behalf.
Hee, thanks so much for reading, I'm glad you liked it!
Thanks for writing it! ;)
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