Title: Midterms at the University of Pandemonium
Recipient: Bravinto
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Happy holidays, Bravinto! I absolutely loved your prompt about demons studying for Latin exams in Hell.
Summary: Hell passes a new decree requiring all demons to go back Hell to complete a one-year Latin certification. Crowley does not manage to
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“UCocs. Cocytus is incredibly cold, all the time, and their languages program is understaffed.”
“Oh,” said Steve. “I didn’t-I didn’t mean I didn’t want to be here, I meant that...you know, the Latin certification requirement, is kind of-”
“Oh!” she said, softening. “Yeah, definitely. I have to do it too, in addition to my regular courses. You already need a bit of Latin for the B.A. magical languages, so I was already supposed to take Latin, but not three semesters, and not conversational Latin, and not Latin Rhetoric and Composition as well. So I’m going to be graduating late.”
“And the classes are going to be huge, now, like it’s first year or something,” added Malbah helpfully.
“Don’t see why there’s so much emphasis on Latin anyway,” said Thaïs. “It’s not the only magical language. Most of the innovation in the curse tablet field is occurring in Greek and Coptic.”
“Right!” agreed Crowley, making a note to himself to find out what she meant.
There are many, many reasons why this story is brilliantly on-point (Crowley and everyone else, including the OCs, being perfectly in-character, for one), but this passage is probably my favorite. You have such a deft hand with dialogue <3 And with Latin, of course.
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