Thanks to the Contributers!

Dec 31, 2005 15:27

The 2005 Good Omens Gift Exchange is now closed.  Before we get to the Guess the Artist/Author Poll, we wanted to say a huge loving Thank You to you all. 
You have given us, the community, and the entire Good Omens fandom a month of wonderful gifts. And we love you for it! 
The Contributors:

a_stone_ginger, alicorn9, altazar, andremeese, argyleheir, beetle_breath, bookshop, circeniko , dreya_uberwald, dwightsredshoes, emjay, empy, evilweevil04, fickle_goddess, gabbysun, hjbender, hllangel, irisbleu, janicechess, kaliscoo, klena, lady_oneiros, linnpuzzle, lovessacrifice, madsciencechick, magicicada, mangy_mongrel, meyghasa, moonfairyhime, moonytoes, musegaarid, myotismon13, paper_apples, phoenixfire_lia, quantum_witch, refche, rhombal, sadisticgrin, stella_polaris, tea_and_snark, trinityblack, villainny, vulgarweed, & waxbean!

The Essential Stats:

The go_exchange community produced:

48 total gifts!!! Of  these, 13 were art pieces, 3 were illustrated stories, and 32 were fics!

There were 44 of you, contributors.  Two of you were "pinch-hitters" -- gracefully rising to the occasion when we asked you to participate.  Four of you produced more than one gift when we needed you to!

The Gifts:

Week One, Week Two, Week Three, and Week Four.

You are all awesome,  go_exchange !  It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you.

your mods,

waxbean & vulgarweed

modly announcements, 2005 exchange

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