Title: All of Human History, with Crowley and Aziraphale (Somewhat Abridged Version)
gift for:
astrophreniarating: G
summary: Crowley and Aziraphale look through a photo album of sorts and think back to some of the places they've gone, and things they did there, since, well, since before the dawn of time.
artist's notes: Oh dear, this... really got out of hand! At first I was going to draw like six pictures, and then I drew a lot more than that. I just want to draw Crowley and Aziraphale in every single historical period that there ever was! But I can't draw them in every historical period. Can I? Probably not. But anyway, thank you for inspiring me to try, this was incredibly, incredibly fun and engaging, and I hope you like it.
0000000 Heaven, Sometime before Lucifer’s Rebellion
2900 BC Valley of Tehuacan
550 BC Nile River Valley
1115 Somewhere in Europe
1206 Western Xia
1250 Europe
1543 London
1924 Chicago
1943 German Border
1973 Manchester
1973 Britain
Happy Holidays,
shinobi_mi_chan, from your Secret Artist!