Title: The Speck in the London Eye
vulgarweedRating: R
Characters/Pairings: Aziraphale/Crowley, Adam/Pepper (vaguely implied), Two Secret Agent Men
Summary: A hot dame, a missing youth, a quirky consultant-and much much more than meets the eye at stake. Private Investigator A.J. Crowley just might be in over his head this time.
Author’s notes:
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If I were to attempt to accurately express how I feel about this story, it would go something like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and XGJHSGHSDJG;SJKTHOGHAS. That being rather in-eloquent (not to mention unpronounceable), I'll try to put a finer point on it: this is utterly perfect, and SO much better than I dared hope for! You even put it in first-person, which (if I remember right) I think I forgot to request but very much hoped for, andand YOU DID IT. I love every single little detail, from the absurd diction to Pepper's freckled gams to the Secret Agent Men, Hastur and Ligur and the Them (and Dog!), glasses-less Crowley, BAMF!Aziraphale, wings, shoulder blades (hnnnnnnnn so lovely), and well, ALL OF IT. And even though I proposed the idea as an AU, you've managed to fit it into canon, and that makes it EVEN BETTER.
Anyway. I think I'm going to back off the capslock abuse, continue to grin stupidly (have been doing so since before I even started reading), flail around my house some more, and then have a lie-down. Then re-read it tomorrow.
&hearts ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
But honestly, it really all had to come down to sexual tension and wings. :D
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