Dec 11, 2005 21:35
1. If babies could talk at birth, what do you think would be the first thing they say?: that was freeking nasty lol
2. If you could read minds, would you enjoy knowing what people were thinking, or would breaching their privacy bother you? Would you consider it a burden to know everyone's innermost thoughts?: theres sometimes i sit there and i know soemones thinking of something and i wanan know i dont wanan know every thought just if they like me what they like about me and wht not they like about me
3. Do you think you could survive in the Middle Ages?: no i would so not pee in a hole
4. If you knew as a little kid what you know now, what one situation would you choose to do differently?: i live with no regrets whatever i did then i know im the happiest know that i've ever been
5. If you were given the choice to know exactly when, how, and where you would die, would you choose to know? hell yeah that way i could do crazy stuff the day b4 lol
6. If you got pregnant (guys, just play along) before you were ready, what would you do? Would you ask your parents for help, or keep it from them?: see i dont thinka bout that stuff cuz i just dont
7. Do you think you would enjoy being the opposite sex for the rest of your life? What would be so enjoyable/hellish about it?: um no i would totally wanan do it 4 like a week but i like boys (matt) so i dont think he would wanan date me if i was a guy or maybe he would.... lol besides i wanan know what its like 2 pee standing up lol
8. If someone came up with an elixir that made you immortal, would you take it? If you would, what would you do with all the extra time? If you wouldn't, well, why not?: i wouldnt take it because everyone i love would die b4 me and w/o them in my life well that isnt living
9. Does the thought of being a vampire appeal to or disgust you?: i dont like blood it takes like old pennies
10. If you were given magical powers to do just one thing, what would you do (besides giving yourself unlimited magical powers)?: id want to be invisible
11. If you could go back into history and change one thing only, what would you change? What do you think the repercussions of the change will be?: i would have waited for something important im not giving all the details