HAHA! I'm not mad really...
Me, Felisdeityus, Tsukiastar (and monkeyjay) want letters!! but not the usual sort...
RANDOM CONTEST to break horror of schoolwork!
Write a fan letter to your fav bishie and actually mail it to us! There'll be prizes for our favs in categories of:
most romantic, most erotic, most fangirlish and most creepy!
10 or more others will get replies from their "bishies"... and monkeyjay will randomly go through them and reply some "as the actual character" hahaha! Scary...
Tsukaistar says you get more points for drawing pictures like the obsessed fan you know you are. XD
Felis says to send "cool american chocolate... and we won't send anything back, cos we love you"
Your letter has to reach this address before the 14th of April!! So take postage time into consideration... cos she leaves that location on that date ...
Send to:
[insert name of bishie]
Apt 12A Unitec Residential Village-310
139 Carrington road
Mt Albert 1003
New Zealand
HAHA!! i dunno if anyone will enter this, but it'd be funny as, and enter as many times as you want, haha! XD And we need entertainment with all the unfunny assignments we got this year! <3