Doo dooooo

Oct 04, 2005 22:10

So yeah.. Is there a full moon or something? The past couple days I've had past flames contact me.. Its weird. I talked to "him" yesterday of course. We actually had a nice conversation that lasted all day long. I had text messaged him Saturday night to see if he was at South Beach 'cause we were going. So he IM'd me to see what was up. Then Aaron, the guy that works for The Rockets, IM'd me today. I haven't talked to him in I don't know when. It was a short convo but I was glad to hear from him.

So yeah, the whole Brandon thing upset me more than I thought it would. Wtf Melissa? Geeeez you're losing your touch.. But its ok.. I got some much needling cuddling that night with Kris.. We slept on Brent's couch together. =oX Plus he's a pretty good dancer.. I had a lot of fun dancing with him almost the entire time at South Beach. I'm very glad we went. Know what he told me? He said while we were dancing.. And he was behind me.. We were holding hands.. And I guess at some point I put 'em on my boobs? Anyone that knows me knows I don't do that kinda stuff.. Ok.. Yes I do.. haha But I really don't remember doing that. I do that unintentionally while dancing.. I really don't even realize I'm doing it. He did grab my butt though.. A few times actually.. Its okay though.. I was grabbing his too.. haha What can I say? He has a nice butt to grab.. hahaha There were a couple guys that pulled their penis out on the dance floor at South Beach. I totally missed it. Damn my luck! And there was this big ol' boy that kept trying to grab Brent's ass.. hahaha

Ok I'm going to bed now.. G'night.
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