Jan 24, 2012 22:12

we're sitting in the courtyard of someone's apartment building. getting high and chatting nonsense. two policemen walk above us on the second story balcony. they ask us if we know anything about the crime scene in the room upstairs. we don't, so they invite us in to be witnesses to the crime. we enter the room through a descending hall way as wide as a parking garage. at the end of the hallway we stand above on a terrace that overlooks an empty ballroom. directly in the center hangs a boy with his neck in a noose with his toes still twitching. "he's still alive!" i cry, as i look for something to cut the rope. nobody moves but me. i find a disc shaped object and throw it to free the child from committing his own death. the two policemen look at me with weary eyes and tell me that the boy had been possessed. and because i saved him, the demon's soul transferred into my body. they all stepped back and waited for something to happen. i tell them that i'm fine, that i saved this poor boy and they should be thanking me. as i turn around to walk away, i look down at my fingers and know they aren't mine. and with one swift turn back to the others, i slice the neck of everyone in the room. 
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