Dec 31, 2010 14:20
2010 was an odd year, to say the least. I didn't read as many books as I had planned (and yet I kept buying more). I didn't keep up with TV or film (well, not very well anyway). Friends were hardly seen and it would always take great effort to organise a time and a place to do so. But also, new friends were made. It's amazing how keeping busy can suck your life from you...but also ultimately be rewarding. That's what I found in the latter half of the year anyway. It may have helped me find my calling. It also kept those horrible, negative, Sylvia-Plath-inspired thoughts at bay.
If you've been reading my bullshit for the past year, congratulations! You all deserve trophies for not killing yourself from reading my posts. But let me tell you this, I have always found it exciting when one of you post. And while I may have nothing particularly interesting to add, I have always taken great interest in all your lives (in a non-creepy-voyeur kind of way).
So I hope all of you show 2010 the door in style! May 2011 be as successful, joyous and exciting as the year past. Take care and be kind!
EDIT: No wait, I got to see Joss Whedon in the flesh. IT WAS THE BEST GODDAMN YEAR EVER.
one of those pissy reflections posts