so my cable and Internet got set up today. YAY. And I am getting a SWEET deal on it too. (much thanks to my boy...
jefefery! I even got a DVR, and this is BY FAR the COOLEST invention EVER!
So, moving out was, well, lightly put, interesting. Russell yelled at me for probably half an hour. Claiming it was my fault bills were late, because in his world, it takes me "three weeks" to get a check. Now, it is true that I don't have a checking account. However, the farthest I ever have to go for a check is probably my dad's. About 20 minutes away. I guess that's three weeks. It all started because Nadia charged 90-some dollars to her credit card (off our 200 dollar bill....but I'll get to that later). She claimed that the 23 we each owed her was ON TOP of the 200 for time warner. Now I don't know about you, but I know cable companies aren't THAT ruthless. She charged it because our service got shut off. Why she even bothered turning it back on for less than a month, I don't know...but whatever. So Russell started yelling because he claimed I was screwing THEM out of money by not giving Nadia 23 dollars extra. Bite me. After the whole chewing out mess, Jeff and I were looking over the bills in the house at the time, and we realized something. Every month, when the roommates would eventually tell me how much I owed per utility....they never each paid their entire 1/4th. Every time there was a "previous balance" included in the top of the bill. At least according to the cable bill, they'd only been paying HALF the bill each month...meaning, each month, when we got the new bill, the supposed "1/4th" of the bill increased, because someone (or some people) hadn't paid their fair share the month before. And I was the one screwing THEM over for money....right.... Ain't that nice...but of course, it's all MY fault...yay for irresponsible college grads. He even had the guts to tell me that being kept up til 4 am or later (when I work at 7 am) is "part of living with other people." So, all you with roommates, remember that. YOUR priorities and/or happiness are above whether or not your roommate sleeps and/or gets fired. Use that one next time =).
Anyone confused as to why I'm glad I don't have roommates....just look back into my journal to around March 18th or so...that was my last roommate. I have HORRIBLE luck....and I really don't know why.
But, it's all good own place has been great. I was UNBELIEVABLY bored at first...I don't know where the antenna for my TV is, as I haven't had to use it in years...and I moved here totally a week ago. So, I only had my DVDs and stuff to watch...which kinda sucks, because when you're forced to watch only those, none of them sound good to watch at the time. Go figure. No Internet drove me crazy for a few days. But, it's all good now. Everything is all set and ready to go...and I'm totally happy. Finally.