Grimerie Preface

Oct 16, 2012 13:17

The Grimmerie

This Grimmerie is a compilation of spells used by the Royal Ozians to maintain peace and safety in the land of Oz. As royal scribes we have been charged with the task of writing these spells and the directions for how to use them.

This book is to only be used in cases of civil war or a direct threat over the land of Oz and all of its inhabitants.

Beware; if this book is used purely for personal gain then a curse will be placed over the wielder of this book.

All spells within this book, when used properly, will affect every living creature within the land of Oz. The only exception to this rule is if the caster sets limits at the onset of the spell.

Spells cast against an enemy, traitor, or evil is irreversible.

There is no spell within this book to bring what is dead back to life. If any such spell is attempted by using spells from this book the castor’s life will be taken and both their soul and the soul of the one they tried to revive will be cursed forever.

This book cannot be destroyed. Any attempt to destroy this book will result in the immediate death of the attacker. They will be cursed to guard the book for eternity as a wraith.

There will always be a cost to the castor of a spell. The larger the spell the greater the cost, casters beware of the cost of using this book.

If a spell is misused, or misread, unintentional damage will occur. Often innocent lives are unnecessarily affected.

If the land of Oz is threatened and the book is not called upon, then the Grimmerie will assume that all the citizens of Oz have been destroyed. It will then destroy the land of Oz in its entirety.

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