Famine Crisis/Questions Over Dinner/Uncontrollable Reaction/A LIttle Too much/Dissatisfaction

Feb 24, 2006 13:14

Title: Famine Crisis
Author: dreya_uberwald
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Challenge: History
Points: The Four Horsepersons

“…then she pointed out that there had more history books devoted to her than the rest of us put together.”

Pollution had never thought it possible, yet here Famine was behaving in a manner that a hundred-thousand discarded glossy magazines warned of.

“But War’s War. You’re….”

“A footnote. A precursor. An aftermath. Never down as the main event.”

He had to ask.

“Are you having a mid-existence crisis?”

“Am I what?”

“Having a mid-existence crisis.”

“I don’t know, am I?”

“Could be.”

“Is there a cure?”

Pollution thought for a moment.

“I’ve heard that getting a younger lover can help.”

Title: Questions Over Dinner
Words: 100
Author: dreya_uberwald
Rating: PG-13

Aziraphale beamed as he ordered the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu.

“So much for angelic moderation,” Crowley muttered.

Aziraphale sniffed. “My dear, you know very well that this place has been losing money lately.”

“Fine, fine.” Crowley made a gesture of supplication. No point in bickering before the starter arrived. “Anyway, you were about to ask me something.”

“Ah yes, about sex.”

He choked on his drink. “Sex?”

“You do it rather a lot don’t you?”

“Well, yes, but I’m not sure… I mean, what about it?” he spluttered.

“I suppose I’m just curious as to why.”

Title: Uncontrollable Reaction
Author: dreya_uberwald
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13

Aziraphale eyes had begun to widen as soon as Crowley began to regale his amorous exploits. Comments such as ‘Isn’t that a tad messy?’ and ‘Is that actually possible?’ about the only sensible verbal reaction he was capable of. His body’s reaction to the demon’s lurid accounts however was something else entirely.

I was really quite vexing when one found one’s corpus completely disregarding one’s very specific instructions not to do that.

Most worrying of all however was the little voice telling him that it might actually be quite nice to eat his dessert of Crowley’s stomach for a change.

Title: A Little Too much
Author: dreya_uberwald
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13

Crowley realised that he’d had too much to drink shortly after he launched into a very graphic description of what exactly what he’d done with the Russian acrobat. Still, the fact that Aziraphale had just asked him about his sex life pretty much mandated inebriation.

“My word, I really wouldn’t have thought that one could devote so much time to such a simple physical act,” the angel said.

“Not as if you’ve ever tried it though, is it?”

“Well, no.”

“Would you like to?” He’d intended it as a joke, but Aziraphale’s startling response suggested drunkenness wasn’t exclusively Crowley preserve.

Title: Dissatisfaction
Author: dreya_uberwald
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13

Aziraphale was disappointed.

It wasn’t as if hadn’t been enjoyable, because it had, especially towards the end, when Crowley had started to make those noises. It was more that it hadn’t, well, been enough.

Now he just felt sticky and frustrated.

Crowley, for his part was looking embarrassed and hastily explaining that ‘that happens occasionally’.

Clearly all the talk of past exploits had left the demon a little too eager.

The fact that moments later the demon regained his cool and decided to put his interesting tongue to good use however more than made up for the angel’s temporary dissatisfaction.
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