On Vox: ERNIE....

Mar 16, 2007 20:53

Closing Credits to Ernie Kovacs show
My dear friends on Vox and Live Journal.

We live in a time in which the closing credits to television programs are almost non existant. They are shoved under the closing images smooshed down so far that Bart Simpson's name looks like Brad Storch.

Back in the "golden age of television" a true visionary and genius named Ernie Kovacs went to the lengths as noted above to give credit to those who worked hard in getting his television program on the air.

The randomness and wackniess of them. The fact that someone went into makeup to have long finger nails put on and a fortune cookie message and cookie made up or filled in order for a couple second credit for the technical director.

This is great.

On a really crappy weather wise day, this made me really smile. Of all of the wacky closings that Kovacs did which I have had the pleasure of seeing, this is in fact my favourite. Enjoy.

Originally posted on moose1111.vox.com
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