How I missed the big BANG...

Oct 24, 2007 10:55

Or "Why I haven't been recruited by the Neighborhood Watch Association"...

I just ran into my next door neighbor at the post office. He remarked that he was surprised not to see me out on the street Saturday night. ??? Not my usual hangout, no.

Well it seems the man across the street from him (who is reportedly a demolition expert out at the air force base) was in his garage mixing up a little pre-4th of July (?Can't get enough head start on something this big?) batch of gun powder and flash-bang-blooey stuff....and it went off!

BIG BANG...rattled windows...shook houses. Scared all the dogs into a howling & barking frenzy (except mine who never made a they're now officially retired from guard dog status). Everyone came running out to see what had exploded expecting to, at the least, see a house on fire.

HIS next door neighbor, who's children's bedrooms are about 20 feet away from demo-guy's garage came running out of his house with his AK-47 drawn and ready to shoot bad guys! And, yes, he's allowed to own it and carry it around....he's a SWAT Commander for the local police. About 5 minutes (or would I know...remember, I missed it all!) 5-6 squad cars full of police with their guns drawn show up with the HazMat team and fire department. And here's sheepish Demo-guy standing in his driveway trying to explain how his science experiment went wrong.

Well.... I guess those ear plugs I bought that allow me to (almost) sleep through Jeff's snoring are better than I thought. I'm thinking I should write the manufacturer a *testimonial* letter....maybe I'll get a case of them free.
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