Jul 10, 2004 09:03
last night was so fun. chris called me at like 8, after i had decided i was way to tired to go out, and he goes "im really drunk and i just really want to see you". so of course i decide to get ready and go see him. i was so tired, running on about 3 hours of sleep, and he and i kept cuddling and i kept almost falling al seep. we hung out at andrews till about 11:50, because i had to be home at 12. andrew, chris, bobby, mike burns, justin, sarah, and marissa were there. andrew likes sarah, but sarah doesn't like him, she likes bobby, and marissa likes andrew, but justin likes marissa so andrew doesn't want to act on any feelings toward marissa because he doesn't want to piss justin off. kinda confusing. well anyway, i had to leave and chris decided to leave too, and he walked marissa and i outside when marissa decides she wants to make out with andrew. heh.. so we get andrew to come outside so chris and i can be alone, and we go over the side of chris's car and talk for a little bit until we hear andrew go "CHRIS IS SCARED!". its kind of an inside joke between all of us, because chris andrew and justin always joke around saying they are too scared to do shit, and they do it a lot to chris. well basically andrew was sayin he was to scared to kiss me, so i pull chris out to where andrew can see him and kiss him. but andrew went inside so he didn't see! well chris and i sit there and talk for a while and he kisses me, and we talk more, then andrew comes outside again to make out with marissa. weird kids. well any way, and yells that chris is scared again, and i was like o ill show him youre not scared and pulled him out into the middle of the street so i know he can see and kiss him. hah wat now bitch! lol yea that was fun. marissa and i left, and sarah went to mike burns' house with bobby. she was a good girl though. :)
i was supposed to go to volleyball this morning. but im a piece of shit and stayed home. im so fucking tired its not even funny. i got 3 hours of sleep last night and played volleyball all day. we went to wayne state college, which is like a 2 hour drive from my house. well anyway, godek is going to be pissed that i didn't show up this morning. o well.
ok so about getting a job. i had one but i quit. well first i got fired from land graphics, and then i got hired and sheridans, but i quit. then i applied at pacsun, and i had an interview, but i havent heard from them, and i decided that when/if i do im going to turn them down. i cant fucking work, im too busy with volleyball. i want to, but i dont. im weird. i dont like working with people, and there i would have to. my cousins going to get me some computer job for the gap, i dont know what exactly, but i have to wait until im 18. so that's cool.
well that's it for now...