Birthday Party Invite (reprinted from electronic mail)

Jan 23, 2010 09:31

For those waiting on the formal written invitation to this year's frying extravaganza, wait no more.  Saturday, Jan. 30th.  Everyone receiving this already knows how awesome it will be, so I feel no need to gild and batter the lily.  So, details

Who: Zach
When: Jan 30th, doors open at 5:00, with frying to commence at critical mass, but no later than 7 pm.
Where: 4741 S Woodlawn Ave

I, your host, will be mixing drinks and frying up delicious food until everyone is satiated.  As in prior years, feel free to bring strange things to fry, but please give me a heads-up via email in case I need to prep things or have special batter on hand.  No reasonable item will be refused.

So, bring yourself, bring your entourage, bring your underage children to serve as designated drivers.  Anyone not there better be dead or in jail.  Those in jail are kindly asked to break out.

P. S.: There will be cake!!!
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