I recently received the generous donation of a new (to me) computer that's sig more powerful than the machine donated to me a few years ago by the equally generous
kaynorr. Along with the machine came a new keyboard. At first I thought that it would be donated to my mother who will receive my old machine as soon as I can get it working with a new brain, but when I tried using the new machine with my old keyboard, it responded poorly. It wouldn't register letters that I typed (particularly annoying with character protected passwords). I was a little paranoid that my typing skills had degenerated to Eloi levels, but then after getting back from my hometown tonight, it started being more overt in its War on Text and turned the caps lock on without my even hitting said button. I thought that the keyboard port might be bad, and so I went to get the new keyboard on the assumption that it was a USB keyboard (being the way things are treading), but it relies on the same overdetermined port as my previous keyboard. So I plugged it in, not seeing the harm in trying, and sure enough I was able to type out a letter without any of the previous niggling hassles. So, the minor annoyance of this mystery is eclipsed by the greater relief that I'm not losing brain or motor function. The prior keyboard was a generic, bare-bones GE keyboard, so I'm really at a loss for why it would choose to cause trouble with Compaq hardware.
I don't know if I'm looking for an answer; this was mostly just a productive way for me to thoroughly test the function of the new keyboard. However, I wouldn't be offended by people proffering answers in the response area.