(no subject)

Oct 16, 2007 16:12

Making a random post from just waking up.

Interestingly my body clock is nicely skewed to the point that I pretty much act like a vampire. It's interestingly fun actually. Plus the upside that it's quieter to work at night and do things without interruption or disruption.

Not sure when the last update was. But well, interesting facts.

My new house is turning into a pig sty because housemates don't pull their weight in chores.
Two of them have become a couple and I now realise how annoying it is to live with lazy couples (heterosexual couple)
Sometimes rules about late night or overnight visitors should be enforced just for general need for privacy and respect. Sorta sucks to get up to pee in the middle of the night and see a stranger in the kitchen using your utensils like he/she has lived here for the past year.
And other random rantings I suppose.

School's pretty good, just a couple of weeks more and I'll be done with my second semester and then heading back to good old Singapore for a while. Mostly to chill out and see mom, friends, FOOD.

Yes, I miss Singapore food.

Apart from that, the general lack of updates was due to schoolwork and the reabsorption of my brain into Guild Wars. But well, the cycle is currently broken due to irritating aspects that happened in the game, so I'm once again sick of playing it for a while.

And many other things to go.

-wave out to anyone who still reads this-
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