Busy weekend:
-- Made pizza for Shabbat dinner (well, pre-Shabbat dinner, since the girlies go to bed right after candle lighting this time of year).
-- Made chicken salad (recipe made up totally on the fly) for Shabbat lunch.
-- Made
yummy, yummy potato salad to go with the aforementioned chicken salad.
-- Hosted new community member named Josh for lunch. Squeaker was heard to say later "I like new Josh!"
-- Lunch went long and segued into afternoon gathering with
aunt_becca and her family. Her B and Muffin and Squeaker had a fun playdate in our living room since it was too hot to go out to the park.
-- Early-Sunday-morning wakeup by small girlies led to sleepiness for whole family but did not cancel...
-- Sunday morning playdate in the park with H, son of
vettecat and
-- Trip to Public Library of Brookline to take advantage of summer Sunday hours. Spent two hours in the library.
-- Stop for ice cream at JP Licks, at which we ran into a friend.
-- Extremely tired girls went to bed relatively smoothly. ***Note the ironic foreshadowing.
-- Finally gave in and joined Facebook.
-- Watched the season premiere of Leverage.
-- Neglected to either write or knit while watching TV.
-- Sleep interrupted by small girls. Awake 3:30-5:45 or so.
-- Saw sun rise for first time since Squeaker figured out sleeping through the night.