There has been a lot of talk recently about the fact that people are not using the US Postal Service nearly as much as they did before e-mail. The Post Office is losing money and is considering drastic cost-saving options, including cutting out Saturday delivery. But I have to give credit where it is due, and last week I received mail that proves that the employees of the Post Office are very good at their jobs.
This is the front of the lovely post card I received:
Postcard Front
But it's the back of the postcard that made this so interesting. It took me a while to notice, but the card arrived at our address even though it lacked postage or a return address. Of course, the lack of return address could be *why* it arrived at our address -- without a return address, the Postal Service had no idea what to do with the postcard other than sending it along to us.
Postcard Back
(I have a guess as to who sent it, and I'm about 99% confident in it, but thank you to the sender of the postcard, whoever you are.)