-- We got a lot of snow between Friday and Sunday. It's pretty, but it's kind of treacherous to walk on.
-- I'm having a bout of StupidFoot. In other words, I'm having a recurrence of the random foot pain in my right foot (I last had StupidFoot in May). It makes the snow-covered streets/sidewalks that much more challenging.
-- I'm on vacation from now until I return to work on 5 January. Having time off from work-work, even though it's going to be filled with lots of stuff, is a very nice thing.
-- I spent part of this afternoon channelling Fawn Hall and shredding documents dating back to mid-1999.
-- Tonight,
mabfan and I joined
malkaesther and
llennhoff at Ta'am China. The crowd included
hakamadare, and four or five people whom I didn't know and who may or may not have online presences.
-- Last night was the first night of Channukah. This Saturday and Sunday are Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the month of Tevet. What this means is that we have a Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Channukah, thus necessitating three different torah scrolls to be used on Saturday morning.
-- I can't do a rambly bits post without a mention of knitting, so I will note that I am making good progress on a couple of different projects I currently have on needles, and I am, for the first time in a long time, without an active pair of socks on needles (however, I have yarn for two more pairs of socks, so I'll be casting on new socks sooner rather than later).