Jun 06, 2008 14:23
The next few days look like this:
-- Tonight: Shabbat prep after work (including cooking I blew off last night), then collapse into Shabbat
-- Tomorrow: Shabbat. D'var torah in the afternoon (yes, I figured it out. Yes, even before candle lighting tonight. Go me and my mad "writes well under pressure caused by procrastination" skills).
-- Sunday: Up early, shop for groceries, cook for Yom Tov, bring in Yom Tov, host people for dinner, collapse.
-- Monday: First day Shavuot. Up early, daven, lunch at friends', maybe nap, dinner at home.
-- Tuesday: Second day Shavuot. Lather-rinse-repeat of Monday, except substituting shul luncheon for lunch at friends'.
-- Tuesday night: Reconnect with Internet I will not have seen for probably more than 20 minutes (eked out during the cooking process) since Friday afternoon.
Hugs all around. Be well and be good, all.