Mar 31, 2008 11:48
-- It's grey and in the 40s today; tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and in the high 60s. Don'tcha just *love* Spring in New England?
-- Speaking of Spring in New England, trees hate me, and it's mutual. ::blows nose some more::
-- Had a good and productive weekend (not all at the same time, necessarily): Quiet Shabbat, slightly less quiet Sunday, what with the brunch-with-friends, cleaning-for-Passover, bringing-stuff-to-storage, more-Passover-cleaning, laundry-doing and all. And it was my Abba's birthday, so I spoke to him twice (which is odd for me on a Sunday; Sunday is usually the day I typically *don't* speak to the parental units).
-- I've been knitting like a crazed fiend (even more crazed than usual). Made more progress on my big project, finished three small projects, worked on another smallish project.
-- Still haven't pulled out the sewing machine in a while. I need to do that, 'cause I have cut-out projects in progress I *really* want to finish.
-- May be baking more in the next week or two, in an attempt to lessen the amount of flour and sugar I have on hand. There's that Passover-planning thing again...
-- Streaming audio hasn't worked for me at work for over a week. This is sad. I'm listening to CDs rather than the radio and rediscovering some of the stuff I'd forgotten I had in my CD collection here in Cubeville. Now I'm on a "reorganize my Cubeville CDs" kick. Let's see: just this one CD rack can be Jewish a cappella (pro), Jewish a cappella (collegiate), English-language a cappella (pro), English-language a cappella (collegiate), and I'm already out of space.