Oct 16, 2006 18:44
Survived and thrived in Mississippi this past weekend. Aunt Susan got married for the 4th time and Todd and I were fortunate enough to partake in the celebration. Stayed in pimped out RV not much smaller than our condo on the reseviour. Ritzy area actually. Exceptionally polite....such a rarity in Chicagoland. Road a 2 seater bike, got drunk w/ cousins who still thought I was 15. Most were super nice but talked way too much. Bleeding ears. Cousin Michael definitely on drugs and his wife needs to be in an institution of some sort. Never bring up Hurricane Katrina in the south. Never a good idea unless you are prepared to be screamed at for hours upon end. Little bitty planes each way. Enjoyed the southern warmth, miserable cold here we are again.
No classes this week thank god. Working late, boo. Last one starts next Mon. Aced my last 2 somehow regardless of multiple skipping episodes.
So much laundry to do.
Could probably escape here now. May as well.