Jan 24, 2009 23:23
10 days ago my 6 year old was a happy little girl. She was normal, active playing the wii, jumping, dancing, well normal.. Now she's in a hospital bed unable to communicate, follow simple commands, she can barely move her left arm or leg. we can't tell if she even understands what is being said to her. While she has the ability to move her right arm and leg and sometimes her left ones, she doesn't seem to be able to get the signal to her limbs. My actions have altered her for the rest of her life :(
our initial excitment may have been premature....I have been feeling incredibly guilty the last day or so, i did get a sort of giggle, at least as much as she can give right now...but haven't had the kinds of reactions from Alaina that i would like to see, simply because she can't give them yet. i am hopeful that she will regain most of her abilities. Annette is the optimist here. the waiting is hard for me. Annette had Alaina reach out to her to be held today and the doctors seem to be encouraged by this.