Aug 07, 2006 22:57
it occurred to me today that i have been artistically dormant pretty much all summer. i worked on my pointilism a few nights when i couldn't sleep, but i still have the whole bottom half of it to do. i finished the sky and the robot and all that, but i still have the whole foreground, a.k.a. the grass/flowers. i haven't drawn, painted, or sketched anything. well, i have done a few drawings, but they were just silly doodles of dinosaurs and mothra and robots and aliens, done with a sharpy marker and crayons. (i should post them, because they are actually quite humorous) not the kind of stuff that is going to get me through college art classes or anything important like that. i guess i've been so busy with everything else that i haven't had time to even think about anything artistic. gaah. i have so much to do in the next few weeks that i don't think i'll have time to do anything either. i hope i'm not all rusty when i start classes. =/