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Jan 09, 2004 00:24

the comment on trial

allow me to disect this so that it is slightly easier to understand...

1.)"i know exactly who you were talking about steve, and i am not agreeing with you. and you did not win."
if you would be so kind as to notice, i did not say it was a clear cut win. and yes, succumbing by refusing to speak on a live topic is a submission to defeat.

2.)"she just didn't want to talk about it with you anymore because you suck at having conversation-- you have to bite and kick until you do win, or until you can convince everyone that you are better and more knowledgable than the person you're trying to show up."
it's not that i suck at conversation, you can ask a plethora of my peers that i actually carry on quite enjoyable as well as intelligent conversation. let us not disregard the fact that it was not conversation as much as it was a debate on the issue (beth and schuyler can both attest to that). it has nothing to do with the fact that i was trying to show her up, i just asked her stance on the position and why she felt so. when she used a text that is shaky to begin with to justify her answer, that's when i showed face. if she's going to randomly pull a quote out of the bible then she should also be able to take the 'good book' in as a whole and abide by everything that her religion supposedly teaches.

3.)"that's why i don't like to discuss controversies with you."
the most "controversial" topic that has ever been discussed between the two of us had to do with blink 182. i really don't see how that can be a controversial topic to begin with, not to mention that you didn't argue it over with me but more with brett due to the fact that he did keep bringing it up. in addition, you stayed too focused on the smaller picture as opposed to what he was discussing in the whole anti-riaa situation.

4.)"it's not losing, it's just constantly being pressured until you cave! and she gave up being pressured into an opinion that she already had concretely decided upon."
see: defeat by submission if she was so concrete in the opinion that she holds, she would've never caved. such is the case with me in the fact that i didn't cave even when a great piece of fiction was presented to me as a justification on her view points. although, that's all her evidence was, fiction. in addition, if she was so strong and right in what she believed in based on what she read, she'd still hold her opinion and still present more quotes out of the masterpiece of fiction. believe me, there were many more she could've used, and all of them contradicted by other passages shortly thereafter.

5.)"don't forget that everyone is entitled to that opinion, and you have no place to attack them for their god given right. i mean, heaven forbid that you should let somebody think on a matter differently than you."
i understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i allow them to present their opinions and cases as they see fit. however, when i ask them to justify their opinions i expect them to be able to do so rather than just base what they believe/think/decide on brash generalizations and fictious beliefs that don't hold water on some normal plane. they hold their own opinions, they justify them, and i ask them why they came to that conclusion (or as you so kindly put it, i "attack" them). just because i choose to discuss topics that are slightly more important than which two superstars are dating is what seems like a futile attempt to salvage some of this generation. and heaven forbid that someone sees different than i do?! check the records, honey. controversy, topics of important matter, debate, arguements, standpoints, standoffs, stalemates, cutthroat discussions, it's part of what i live for. such a matter only fuels me more and i'm glad to find someone who thinks differently than i do so that i can be placed in some realm of normal conversation. forgive me for doing so; heaven forbid that i have a conversation that doesn't discuss the current co-ed that i'm falling deeply in love with before i know that much about them, heaven forbid that i don't find tom delonge to be the sun that my solar system revolves around, heaven forbid that i know how to conversate on topics other than music, gossip, boys, and teen drama, and heaven forbid that i make use of my first amendment rights and encourage others to do the same.
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