Jun 05, 2005 03:28
I'm so fucking drunk! I mean I had SO much rum...me and Eric are haivng a fabulous time. We watched Dirty Dancing, and it was so good...I mean it's such a good movie ( I heart it).
I forgot about Clarke...maybe Clark without the "e"...he loves tigers...and apparently now he's slutty.
Eric would "die/love" to be slutty....I wonder why? well, that's not true, I know why.
Girls are awesome! They're hot, but can be REALLY mean....I mean, seriously bitchy and evil, but Im love them all the same!
Back to the reason I got drunk to begin with: Jenissa's getting FUCKING married!!!!!
It made me so...GAH!! So, Eric and I got out the liquor and started the movie and here we are now, drunk off our asses rambling just like carzy people and loving every minute of it.
FISH MONKEY!! Maybe fish monger...then again, maybe not.
That's right, you heard me. Go how far? Keep the options few and particular.
You eat a lot of meat. Get it? Got it? Doubt it.
She's a girl, she likes girls. But you're not a girl. You are? Oh...
Intereted? What a word, what a statement! To be interested, to long to know more. Yet within moment you'll forget.
Are you falling asleep? Am I boring you?...Is my radio-voice turning you on beyond recognition?
You'd probably forget my name during sex. Thank you, but we're not having sex.
The last time you bet your life you were sadly mistaken...wait...nevermind.
It is a good question, are you going to give me a good answer?