yeah it's gotten that bad

Mar 25, 2009 17:01

*In the past 24 hours:

1. Talk to a cute boy/girl?


3. Talked to an ex?


4. Miss someone?


Last Person Who:

5. Laid in bed with you?


6. Last person who made you cry?

someone's illness

7. Went to the movies with?

hmm dunno i think it might have been rachelle john and shahaun

8. Went to the mall with?

steph, andy, rachelle

10. Made you laugh?

aoife and/or julian

11. Said they love you?

my momma

12. What are you most scared of?

completely alienating myself and going crazy is one of them

13. Does anyone like you?

not anyone i like i dont think

14. Do you like being around people?

most of the time

15. Have you cried recently?

last week

16. Song stuck in your head?

nothing's stuck but i be listening to... hahaha lil kim she dont fuck you like i do

17. Have you been on radio/tv?

maybe radio, but tv yes

18. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?


19. What color shirt are you wearing?


20. Is anything pissing you off?

yes, not being able to just fucking write these essays already! and my bum hurts from sitting so much

21. What time is it?


22. How much cash do you have on you right now?

uhhh i think like... 9 bucks. payday tomorrow tho woohooo

23. Whats your favorite food?

indian and thai chicken-rice dishes.. shwarma... tortellini.. mmm

24. Who got you to join Facebook?

i think it was steph maybe?/feeling left out

25. Can you lay in your bed all day?

most of the day yeah

26. Wish someone was next to you in the morning when you wake up?

hardly... i usually cant sleep well if someone else around.. its like they interrupt my.. sleep waves? sleep is so sacred to me, im weird about it.

27. What web site do you visit the most?

facebook, perezhilton, FML, sorry-mom, livejournal, myryerson (n)

28. Do you have any plants in your room?

i had a pot of flowers that had been sitting there, dead, for months but i finally got rid of that like last week

29. Who was the last person to talk to you?

uhhhh.... shane


1. What is your display name about?

its from the kills.. i think its about how once youre broken thats it.. neither tape nor time can help... (really hope theyre wrong about that one but i suspect they were right)

2. Where was your profile picture taken?

kindergarten cop

4. Honestly, if someone were to tell you how they felt, would you listen?

depends on who, actually it depends more on what they were feeling. if it was just to gloat about how awesome shit is i wouldnt listen or i would but id hate it.

5. Whats your favorite color:


6. Most valued possession?

material possession id have to say macbook i guess.. but the possession i value the most is that of marijuana :)

7. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?

yes absolutely.

8. If you had to be an animal for one day, which one would you be?


9. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

yea but not by myself

10. What's the first things you notice about the opposite sex?

whether im attracted or not, face, scruff/hair

11. What do you usually order from Tim Hortons?

french vanilla cappucino or hot chocolate with peanut butter and/or double chocolate cookie (the and usually depends on how high i am lol)

12. Do you still watch kiddy movies or t.v shows?

kiddy movies yea i guess but randomly.. seeing monsters v.s. aliens this weekend.. as for shows no

13. Do you have braces?


14. Do you speak any other language?

french and mutter

15. What hurts right now?

my back and my bum

2. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?

havent ever really fal... k wait nevermind. uhh one of them no the other sort of but im relatively over him.. wish i could say the same for the first.

3. Where did you last sleep other than your house?

kyle's dorm? lol

4. Do you have a best friend?


5. Do you smoke?

WEED yes smokes hardly

6. Do you remember what you were like a year ago?


7. Who was the last person you cried in front of?


8. Where are you right now, and how do you feel about where you are?

in my room and i hate it i feel trapped, restless, and trying really hard not to throw my laptop and papers all over the place. well i dont have to try too hard cause i have such little energy im so tired the only thing that would make me WANT to stay in here is sleeping

9. Can you vote next election?

if i get my citizenship on time how long do i have 3 yrs? i prolly will still be loafting on that

10. What are you listening to?

pixies , debaser and nowww cypress hill, illusions

11. When will your next kiss be?

probably next time i get drunk so this weekend if not prolly next week

12. Where do you keep your money?

in da bank and in my pocket

13. Do you love someone right now?


14. Do you like someone right now?

yes :( im sick of it

15. Who was the last person to call you beautiful/gorgeous?

that i remember some guy at the bar on st patties, but only when i smile..

16. Ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?


17. Where did your last hug take place?

in the dining/living room

18. Where were you at 3:02 this afternoon?


20. How do you feel about the person who texted you last?

he's a cool guy

21. Do you use smileys on the computer?


22. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?

i think so

23. Who did you last go out to eat with?

probably rachelle

24. Do you have unlimited texts?

yes thankfully

25. When is the last time you took a nap?

it's been a long ass time i don't remember

26. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?

me ma'

28. Do you wear glasses?

im supposed to but im too damn stubborn

29. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?

i like this question... decadence, finishing 1st year (hjdbfwjfbwjhbehbfjwhbfjhwrgfhjweb), lily allen, 4/20 (well not so much anymore 'cause i have a stupid exam at 6pm), weed march, visiting julian, visiting barb, WASAGA, chilling in the sun again with cold beer and spliffs, wearing aviators and shorts all the time, having more hours at the beer store, ANDY COMING HOME FOR THE SUMMER, and of course, the creme de la creme, going to the uk with rachelle

30. The way to win your heart?

i'm sure it's easy.. if i already like you that's all you need. but sincerity, understanding, chill-ness and not playing too many games/mindfuck help

31. So how was your weekend?

meh wouldve been better had circa been less pack, had alcohol not turned me into a psycho bitch, had i not had a shite load of work to do

33. What are you like when you're drunk?

it depends, but usually me drunk = no filter.. tho i have no idea where half the things i say (mostly) and do comes from.. i guess thats what i get for bottling too much in.. i just wish ppl would shut me up and slap me but they never do.

35. What were you doing last night at 10:00?

procrastinating/writing my essay

36. How long is your hair?

almost to my tits WOO

37. Last text message received?

from anthony

38. Name what's on your mind right now?

these essays and my lack of time and my stupid habits

40. When was the last time you sang out loud?

this morning

41. What do you really want right now?

hm well now that i think about it some ice cream, sleep, but mostly.. to get this essay done correction these essays done i keep forgetting that there are 2

42. When was the last time you got yelled at?

i don't remember no one usually yells at me, im the one who yells but pretty much only when drunk o i remember now it was at the long branch beer store like a month ago

43. Who do you really want to see right now?

a human friendly face

44. Are you a player?

no i don't think so... i might be becoming one tho... hmm..

45. Where do you see yourself in 6 years?

i don't, never have been able to see a future with me in it

46. Do you swear a lot?

too much but i'm getting better

48. Where was your default picture taken?


49. Favorite drink?

booster juice, beer, water, whiskey sour

50. What are you going to do tomorrow?

keep working on essays, drop the late one off, go to class, hopefully visit ashley's mom in the hospital then finish the essay i'm sure i won't be able to finish tonight

51. What is in store for your future?
who knows

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