Jan 01, 2005 23:47
Happy New Year everybody!
My resolution: to kick ass. Major ass.
Today I saw the most life changing movie I'll ever see. Ever. I loved every second, every half second of "Phantom of the Opera". You have no idea. I have trouble describing the movie with words like AWESOME! and AMAZING! because they all fall short of how the movie was to me. I swear, my jaw dropped 3 times. No other movie has ever got that kind of reaction from me. Not even close.
The music: SPECTACULAR. PERFECT. I've had the CD, but on it the music is just synthisized and has people singing over it. But no. Not this. This music was geniously written and the vocal performances flawless. I peed in my pants. Not really, but came close.
This movie is incredible. You MUST see it. Actually, I guess this movie isn't for everyone. As much as I love this movie, I can see how someone else can see this movie and think it is so-so; those people probobly aren't true musicians, because I think in order to appreciate this movie fully you need to be an avid music listener/player.
And to anyone who isn't a musician and or tone deaf and you enjoyed it, too: good for you. Perhaps you are a musician at heart.
And to anyone who thinks opera is gay or borring, I couldn't perscribe a better movie to you.
I haven't decided if this movie beats Pulp Fiction out of it's number one position on my all time favorites list. I guess I'll just have to see it a second time. Or a third or fourth... eighth.
Ok, enough of my movie review. There are some bugs to be rid of.
I believe there are a certian group of "friends" that are trying to systematically ruin me. They try hard, I can tell.
You know who you are. And two words for you.
Stop it.
You're all childish, carrying somekind of grudge against me just because I'm myself and unlike you in MANY, MANY ways. All you do is talk about me, write about me, and don't even do it in secret.
Needless to say this pissed me off quite a bit.
Then the word gets back to you that I'm mad. So what do you do? I don't know, but somehow this has given you permission to hate me.
Hate is a strong feeling. Personally, I don't hate you. This might seem hard to believe, but it's true.
I don't ask for you to stop hate me. Rather, leave me alone. And try to act your age. We're going to be seniors next year, and then what? We're all moving on in the real world. I, fortuanately, know what to make of my life. I know what I want to be. I know how to do it, and I will fufill my resolution of kicking ass.
"I am interested to see what will happen next, will Brian still be himself? Will Jacob beat out Brian because Jacob is badass now?"
As for that Jacob comment, I hope he does. Props to him. It's just band. Nothing personal, but you could have put it in a less hurtful way? Why are you so hateful?
Will Brian still be himself?
Please. Oh please oh please oh please don't make me laugh.
I change for no one.
I am perfectly and utterly comfortable with who I am. Obviously someone isn't.
I am so glad I got that off my chest.
In closing I'd just like to say that this'll be the last time I will ever talk about this subject again. If the second party would like a rebuttle, their breath is whasted.
Good night everyone! I love you all.