Mar 06, 2011 17:29
East Hill Farms square dance weekend was awesome! We showed up just in time for supper on Friday, then hung out until dancing. There were a bunch of people I didn't know, and a bunch more people I hadn't seen in years, and all of it was excellent. I missed 1 tip on Tuesday, in which several people asked me to dance, and I had to decline, so I got to make up all those dances to all those people. Yay! I stayed up too late Friday, and was cranky for half of Saturday, but I did get to steal eggs from chickens, milk a cow and a goat, and hold a baby goat. The lady supervising the goat milking said, "Oh, you're doing really well, I'm going to leave you alone with her for a moment--" and as soon as she turned away, the goat stomped on the milk pail and splashed it all over my coat. :p Oh well! The dancing more than made up for it. :3
In summary: EHF MWSD weekend = <3